The Firehouse Church is part of an association of churches known as the M28 Alliance (M28), which stands for the “Great Commission” verses (in Matthew 28) that form the foundation of our Alliance. M28 is a US-based group of autonomous churches and ministries called to reach the world with the good news of Jesus Christ and to help each other disciple the nations. By God’s grace, M28 churches work together with a common bond of Christian mission and unity and engage leaders in this mission by:

  • Calling Courageously – defining and upholding unapologetically Biblical standards for following Christ in our culture.
  • Equipping Strategically – providing resources, training and conferences.
  • Supporting Lovingly – creating supportive leadership community and personal coaching and encouragement.

In addition to The Firehouse Church, M28 includes many other churches and ministries located in Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah. We regularly join together with these churches for activities such as marriage and youth conferences, leaders' retreats, and leadership training.

For more information on who M28 is, or to become part of the M28 Alliance, please visit their website.